Julia Comino

Vice President of Student Government

Contact: vp@ausg.org and Julia.Comino@ausg.org



Majors: Political Science and Journalism

From: Hattiesburg, MS

Involved in No More, AU Its On US, and Mock Trial.

After facing roadblocks in communication with administration while advocating for survivors of sexual violence on campus, Julia joined AUSG in the Spring of 2022. As a senator, Julia Chaired the Special Committee on Combating Sexual Violence and Harassment passing legislation such as the Survivor Bill of Rights and reforms to the Community Working Group. During the 2023-2024 semester, Julia acted as the Secretary of AUSG, hosting events like Narcan Trainings, Domestic Violence Awareness Month programming, and a Safe Sex Trivia Event attended by over 200 at the Bridge. Working alongside representatives from AUSG, student organizations, and members of AU administrative offices, Julia advocated for the implementation of the Survivor Bill of Rights.